I came here based on some pretty strong recommendations of local friends. Cast iron waffles is an interesting entity. I expected more of a dine-in restaurant but it's arranged more like a swift-service, quick brunch snack shop. Yes I just said "brunch snack." While the food didn't impress, it didn't entirely disappoint either. Can you see why I'm stuck at 3 stars?? The waffles were obviously pre-made which is something I'd expect from fast-food chain instead of upscale almost boutique looking shop like the one in South Park (although in their defense they do have 4 locations). I think them not being made fresh impacted my experience heavily. I'm familiar with liege style waffles and expected a doughy sweeter waffle, and that's what I got. However, despite I was the only one in the place at the time, my waffle was only slightly warm and was much more dry than I expected. I couldn't decide on what types to get so the barista made me a half Cinnamon roll, half Lumberjack (sweet and salty : bacon and buttercream) waffle. The cinnamon roll side was obviously the winner and I'd get it again - almost like a huge Cinnamon Toast Crunch chunk lol. The bacon on the lumberjack half was a little too chewy to make me go for it again. Either way, service was with a smile and the prices were more than fair + you get a dollar off your waffle or latte with Yelp checkin. I'd come here again, but definitely not make a special trip out of the way for what they have to offer. Cheers