| - Gonna keep this simple... I was excited to try what I heard was a local dining institution on a blistering summer day. A nice, big, cold beer, award winning food, and cheery, delightful service. Ya, right.
Naked chicken wings with the extra hot sauce as I had requested were as tepid as the sauce, on the side and not dressed, was insipid. Frank's red hot with some butter and probably a sprinkle of cayenne, and a heavy handed addition of "grossness" were the worst I've had in recent memory.
My favorite BBQ item is Burnt Ends. Lovingly smoked twice and over seasoned and carcinogenic in the best way possible. Dillons' interpretation is rather unique: boil some pork, cut in cubes, dump on dirty plate and smother in brown gravy infested with cornnstarch and liquid smoke. Worst I've had in recent memory.
Oh, and that big ol' cold beer I was anxiously desiring...a 12 oz glass with two times more fingerprints on it than beer in ounces. I counted twelve separate greasy paw prints. Do the math and you'll figure out the ratio. Worse ratio of prints to ounces I've had in recent memory.
Service isn't worth mentioning. But worst in recent memory. Seems to be a trend here.