| - All bullshit aside, I am not a fan of strip clubs. Why should I pay a bunch of money to have a girl pretend to like me? I can probably count the number of times I've been to a strip club on my hands (yes, hands, so 6-10 for you math majors!)
Anyway, I had friends in town from NYC for a bachelor party, and they wanted to go to the Rhino. I'm a local, so I get in free, so I figured I'd join them for an overpriced beer and good conversation. We went on a Friday night at 8pm, and the ratio seemed like 3 girls to every guy in the building. Great ratio if you're into that sort of thing, but it was a little annoying to not be able to have a conversation with my friends without being interrupted.
I made it clear to the girls that I'm a local and they're likely not getting money out of me. Some moved on to other guys who they could make a buck off of, and that's fine. But a couple of the girls stayed and talked and were actually pretty chill.
The quality of the women here is pretty damn high, and after talking with a few of them, some of them are pretty cool and normal. I see now why every guy says this is the best strip club in town, as I can't disagree.