| - Vultures! That's the one word I can think of to describe the staff here.. I really dislike going into VS stores and having multiple, and I mean multiple, people approach me within 5ft. I already tell one girl I didn't need help while you stood 2ft away so what makes you think I'm going to to say yes to you, literally, 30 seconds later. Stop giving people shoppers anxiety. If it wasn't for the wonderful bra style that I have been looking for, for over a year now, I would have walked out. I bought 3 so I wouldn't have to go back for a very long time.. It's TOO much ladies. And then after that overwhelming experience, almost like vultures feasting on a dead carcass, mind you it was the same 4 women I had already said "no thank you, I know what I'm looking for" to in the 5-10 minutes I was in the store, I had to hear a whole presentation at the register. When I say I'm not interested, it's very unprofessional to ask "are you sure?" What am I, 5??? Yes I'm sure! Stop harassing shoppers. And please VS I get the whole retail industry.. I'm sure we've all been through it once in our lives.. But training your employees to properly be available for customers is a plus. If we need something, we'll ask. Tell is your name once, not 7 times.