Took for an oil change on September 30th- 2 weeks later (Oct 11th) my oil indicator light came on advising me to top up my oil 1 more litre. I though oil changes were no brainers so i thought nothing of it.
My good friend is the foreman at a luxury dealership in Oakville- so when the light came on indicating to top up my oil, I figured id just drop by his shop (Oct 14)- Im no car guy at all- he was shocked to discover the mess and recklessness. They didnt put the cover back on properly, 3 screws missing, and the filter was not attached firmly. Worst of all was the oil pan screw- they screwed it back so tight it morphed the oil pan...this was the cause of the friend wants me to come back in 5 days to ensure there is no permanent damage.
I Returned to the shop that day, showed the manager pictures (7) of what I discovered and they refused to refund my money.
I would be curious to see if the owner will reply - he told me today that I should have gone back to their shop to tell them and they would have fixed it free- Im glad I didnt - i never would have discovered what a terrible job they did.