I haven't been to a wax museum in over a decade...I remember when you had to stay behind the velvet rope...the interaction was great!
You can curl up next to Hef, try to dunk on Shaq, join the victory at Nascar (with your own flags to wave), but on a dress and pretend to marry Brad (even though the sign says George, it looks a lot more like Brad to me), and...you can touch J Lo's butt and make her blush. I love that you can get up close with the figures and play along with the Blue Man Group.
At $24 a person it is a bit pricey for an hours worth of entertainment...but it was entertaining enough for me to make it worth it. The haunted house bit is extremely short...it was well done, but maybe a minute from start to finish.
They have student discounts, and I've heard there are coupons, so you might want to look for those in advance. Go in, relax and make a fool of yourself!