*Cue Music*
"De de da da da da,
De de da da da da,
The queerest of the queer
The strangest of the strange
The coldest of the cool
The lamest of the lame
The numbest of the dumb
I hate to see you here
You choke behind a smile
A fake behind the fear"
*lyrics courtesy of "Queer" by Garbage
This is the theme song that plays full blast in my mind every time I step foot into this store.
It's just an odd place. Chalked full of more spandex and leotards than should ever be found in one place, at one time, this place makes me feel like I'm stuck between two realities: 'Footloose' meets Madonna's 'Hung Up' video (no disrespect Madge!)
I'm not sure what one person could do with so much hot pink, and so much spandex. On second thought, I don't want to think about it.