If you are over 30 or employed, you will want to go elsewhere...anywhere else.
A friend brought us here because the girls in the group wanted to dance while we were in Lawrenceville. Disclaimer: dancing is not my thing and I loathe smoking.
The essence of this place: It is the adult version of the locker that all the dweebs in high school were forcefully stuffed. But now they choose to be here. Furthermore, I don't believe healthy human life could be sustained for over a few hours in this environment.
The odor: The place smelled like a combination of fraternity pledge on day 15 and the inside of Dennis Leary's car. My jacket smelled for over a week. I thought it may have died.
The heat: It was about 90 degrees in the place, excluding the bathroom. A great temperature for dancing or breathing in general.
Now there is a cover. I have no idea of why a hellhole like this would have a $5 cover? Maybe to let in underage people? I don't know. Or to subsidize the cheap PBRs? It definitely wasn't for the entertainment. The DJ played a poor mix of 90s music and often didn't play more than half of a song. Baby Got Back? Oh god, no.
The people: It's hard to tell as it was dark. But mostly socially awkward people seemed to be the general population of this establishment. I saw a few girls falling on the floor trying to do a wheelbarrow and they seemed to be the most normal. Most people looked like they got dressed drunk or homeless.
If you want to go to a real Pittsburgh dive bar, go to Jack's. Or any other place on most corners of the city with an Iron City neon sign. This place reminded me of a 10 year church youth group reunion without the priests. No, wait. Nevermind, I'm not going to go there.