Ice cream is good. One of the girls was super nice, the other red head girl was a total b****, from the time we walked up to get ice cream. Then when we paid, my sister in law did not leave a tip... i mean who leaves a tip at ice cream shops unless you are sitting down getting full service or if the person serving you is being really friendly (which she was not) and she was fully giving us dirty looks and major attitude. I understand it is also a bar but there's other ways of telling a child she can't stand 1 foot to the left of the ice cream without being completely rude. While my niece was just standing next to me while scooping half into a seperate cup. Everything she did or asking her to taste one flavor she would make a painful disgusted look on her face... like excuse you... You're getting paid for this if you don't like you're job. You should quit, or better yet. The manager should fire her a**.