| - I went shopping here for a juicer after seeing one I was interested in listed on Craigslist. Listing their items on Craigslist, I thought, is a very smart way to advertise their business. Otherwise I would have never heard of Open Box Buy.
The store is very large with anything from electronics to kitchen appliances, towels, and they had a good selection of juicers (what I was originally looking for). The staff is so friendly here, something that is very important to me and often lacking in other large stores.
Like the name of store implies, many of the boxes have been previously opened due to a return, overstock from other stores, or maybe even because customers have looked inside. For this reason, if you are buying something with multiple parts, makes sure every piece is inside. Once of the juicers I wanted to buy was missing several pieces and I'm glad I checked before I took it to the check out.
The juicer I ended up buying did not work and the store took it back no problem - with reciept of course. I don't fault the store for the faulty juicer, it just didn't work. This store offers deep discounts because of the open boxes, so go check out the huge inventory. I don't think I'll buy any more electronics or anything running on a motor from here because I don't know (and neither do the staff) if the items are returns from other stores. Things like knives, towels, pots, and pans, however, I would definately buy from here.
Again, excellent staff!