I have been to Ikea many times and I have loved it and got some good deals. I have to rate this and review though based on my last experience to warn potential shoppers. Do not have them deliver your items. The price seemed great and only having a small car and an infant, the delivery seemed perfect.
The delivery came on time the next day while I was at work, but my wife was there with the baby. The delivery guys could not lift the couch and chair and instead drug it across the floor and put a big scratch in our new bamboo wood floors. We called Ikea who said they were not responsible and we had to call the movers. For one, this is wrong, if they use this company for their deliveries, they should be responsible.
Next, we sent the complaint to the delivery company in which we did not even ask for the full amount of the damages and they declined the claim because my wife scratched the floor moving the boxes. Keep in my mind, my wife had the baby and the boxes must have been so heavy that the two twenty something movers couldn't even lift it.
In the end, the couch and chair we thought we were getting a good deal on ended up costing us a lot more since we have to repair the floor ourselves.