I feel like this store has really gone downhill, maybe I've just been out of high school for five years? who knows? I remember this store as being a great price to find in fashionable clothes for a lot less. Things were still in good condition, and there was a great mix of trendy, timeless and truly vintage.
The past ten or so times I've been in within the last year its really gone down hill. Tons of hollister, american eagle, walmart-esque levis; and tons of items that are pilled or have damage (when I inquired about a price reduction on a button up missing one button they told me it was priced for missing a button.... in my selling days things needed to be in "sellable" condition)
The only thing i ever seem to have some luck with is jeans.... Ive gotten a few pairs of diesels, sevens, and AGs the last few times I've been in.
Not what it used to be... But theres still a few diamond in this landfill.