I had high hopes when I learned there was new management, During my pedicure, I suddenly realized my toe was really bothering me. When I looked, I saw that there was a hole in the side of it. The guy doing the pedicure assured me this hole had been there when he started...he also took off too much of my skin on the other foot. I did speak to the manager who told me he wasn't sure who to believe. Just so you know, if an open wound is present before a service begins, it is mandatory to refuse service. But to imply I was lying, that's pretty shady. To make matters worse, when I went to pay, I was charged $60.00! Just another crummy nail salon in Fountain Hills. Anyone here who puts up with this kind of service will just take it. I would rather stick a needle in my eye then to return to this terrible business. I won't be going back!