I stopped here for the other night a little after midnight. They are open 24 hours which is nice. I'm generally not a big Von's fan. I find there prices to be high, barring a few items on special and there service doesn't normally make up for the prices.
I grabbed the couple of things that I needed and went to check out. No one was around but the slot machine guy. No one was around at all. I could have walked out with my groceries and no one would have stopped me. I began to walk around the checkout stand with it's light on looking for someone. This went on for a few minutes.
Then the slot guy says, "Press the blue button." What? I though. "Press the blue button and then press 1, 2, 3. I looked at him again and he was pointing down by the register. There was a phone there with no reciever and a homemade sign that said "press the blue button and then press 1, 2, 3, for service...this is not a toy" Really Von's? You want me to pay twice the price for your groceries and you can't pay a guy to stand at the register?
After a while longer the cashier arrived. One item was mispriced. I showed him in the ad paper and he changed the price. I got out to the car and realized he still ripped me off on the wrong priced item by a buck due to poor math skills.
There are way too many options to ever darken the door of this place again. I prolly just caught them on a bad day, but oh well. I don't own Von's stock. If I did I'd sell it.