Tempe Marketplace, Desert Ridge Marketplace, San Tan Village... I dunno whose bright idea it was to build outdoor shopping malls in the nations hottest state but I hope they're done. It's just not fun building up a sweat while you walk from store to store to try on clothes, quite frankly, it's gross. They do offer misters along the walkway but I think that makes the situation worse... like more humid and they're so high that you're not getting cooled off, just frizzy hair. The good thing about San Tan is you can drive around, find the store you're looking for and then park. This mall, you have to park and hope you're in the vicinity of the store you need.
Also, there is a small splash pad that was packed with kids. I was tempted to walk straight through it but it smelled like poop. I'm sure it doesn't smell like that everyday but it made me wonder how often the splash pad gets sanitized.