As a European I generally favor light flavorful meals versus "get all you can eat type" eateries. I also don't get out as much as I'd like to to discover non corporate restaurants (and yes I would consider Bloom corporate if you fear or loathe he Same Fox empire of Valley restaurants). I was recommended to go here by my girlfriend's mom. She makes excellent home cooked meals and so the the thought of going to Bloom surprised me somewhat as I personally feared an elitist type vibe and menu. I must admit that so far Bloom really has been my favorite restaurant (along with Los Sombreros in South Scottsdale). If you have no issues with appropriate portion sizes, a good "trend" atmosphere that isn't too cold for any type of customer I would strongly recommend the restaurant. I have tried the bowtie pasta and that it was perfect. I recently brought my parents there, and they also had ignored it mainly due to it's location in the posh Shops at Gainey Village and due to Paradise Bakery being a good option.
What equally impressed me was the quality of food and a reasonably priced menu.