Seriously? If you cuss the bartender will correct your word choice and possibly kick you out? Don't get me wrong, there's no need for gratuitous cursing, but it's called "colorful language" for a reason -- it adds affect. Besides, this is an adult establishment, right? Where are the impressionable children and easily offended nuns? P*ss off.
As my accomplice said, "This place is a f*cking time warp." (Luckily out of ear-shot of the bartender.) That wasn't meant as a compliment. Rather, an observation of the tacky lounge-jazz on the juke box and inordinate amount of gaudy tiger decor filling up every square inch of wall space. Gag me.
If I'm brought back here, I'll be the one kicking and screaming in defiance.
*For the record, I did not get kicked out. I just didn't like the feeling of having to watch my language so closely when I'm, go figure, AT A BAR!