| - Charlotte's craft beer scene is pretty much exploding at the moment so it's definitely going to be interesting to see all the breweries opening up in the next year. All the competition just makes it better for us, the consumers! With all the breweries focused on making better beer, better tap room experiences, and being better all around, we get the benefits.
Nice to see a brewer focusing on Belgian style beers move into the space formerly occupied by OMB. They have a solid 4 beers on tap at the moment and will be adding their seasonal and special blends soon as they establish themselves and settle in.
The tap room is gorgeous! It is super warm and inviting...a great place to hang out. There are TV's on the walls, but not too many. I am beginning to get "data overloaded" and starting to gravitate towards places that are old school... no TVs... no wireless so you are starting at your phone the entire experience. A couple TV's I can handle, but if you are like a Hickory Tavern or Wild Wing Cafe, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to decide what to look at.
The beer: Delicious! I suggest getting a flight, where you can taste all four of the beers they have on tap in little mini sniffer classes and a classy wood carrying stand. I really like their chosen artwork for logos and especially their handles. You can spot them a mile away... nice little white and blue ballons atop a fish. Very whimsical and fitting for thier beers.
The servers are super nice and attentive. They are still working on their food offerings, and getting the kitchen set up, but in the mean-time there is popcorn and snacks. Hint: don't go on too empty a stomach otherwise, you may be calling Uber or a friend to drive you home.