DO NOT RENT FROM THIS ECONOMY OR THEIR OTHER NAME VERVE. If there was a negative star this fly by night company would receive it. The prices are bait and switch. You will book low and then they will do everything to charge you more at the counter. Do not fall for their insurance scheme, your liability covers you. You must take 2 shuttles to get to their office. If the counters hidden in the back of a cheap building don't scare you the cars will. Ours had dents and scratches all over it, smoked in, seats were terribly stained...and we upgraded to get this junker. They take a video of car prior to your delivery and send it to you...TAKE YOUR OWN VIDEO before you leave to c.y.a. SMELL THE CAR and if there is a hint of smoke...bring them out and make them agree. We did not smoke in vehicle but left out of their office ready to hit vegas and didn't think the smell mattered, $200 charge for the smell of smoke in the vehicle to our card. If we were not flying out I would have sat in that office til the police showed to arrest the arrogant office manager. They got you right where they want credit card, junk cars, and you can't stay to argue because IT'S 35 minutes and 2 shuttles from airport to their office! Crooked, crooked crooked.