Vanessa has been my keratin stylist since living in San Francisco and despite living in LA now, I make the trek to SF or Las Vegas to get my hair done with her. It's a bit of a journey but totally worth it - no one else makes my hair as soft, shiny and effortlessly straight as Vanessa.
With no keratin treatment, my hair takes 40+ minutes to straighten at home. When I've gotten keratin with other stylists, my hair sees an 80% reduction in time needed to straighten initially and by the end of three month period, my hair is about 50% easier to manage than it would otherwise be. That's useful, but not nearly as good as results I get with Vanessa, where the improvement is 100% for first 6-8 weeks -- meaning I don't have to touch my hair at all. By the end of two months, my hair is no longer perfectly straight, but remains at least at a 85% improvement until I return for new keratin on week 14. Huge difference relative to other stylists - so if you value your time and have hair that's harder to manage, Vanessa is absolutely your best bet.