AS MANY NEGATIVE STARS FOR THIS UNETHICAL COMPANY AS POSSIBLE! I get it. There's no real law to defend innocent citizens of their will in this type of matter so CROOKS like this company will take advantage of the fact and rape you for every penny they can and I KNOW this is DOWN RIGHT DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!! My HOA sent my statement to the WRONG address, which they refuse to help me based on their mistake (another bone to pick) and which was then sent to this company. To make a long story short, they charged me over 2k in fees, collected 1600 of that from my mortgage company and still billed me almost 1k after the fact!!! Over a $130 HOA assessment fee. HORRIBLE just horrible. They leave no room for negotiation but will persist on how they have RIGHTs to do such a horrible act of victimizing innocent people of their hard earned money. Its understandable to charge processing and late fees. But really? 2k+ worth?! GET OUT OF HERE. This should be the start of a movement to SHUT THESE COMPANIES DOWN and I'll definitely be an advocate for it. If there are anyone involved in legal action or getting in touch with the news, BBB about this, please private message me.