I am disgusted with this place and their staffs attitudes like seriously who do they think they are,yes their coffee is good but so is a lot of places and at least they cover their pastries.I ordered a coffee in this place just the other day as I had been before just for a coffee to go and decided I would have a pastry until I noticed they had flies all over them I counted 3 at least just sitting on the pastries and when I told the girl serving her response was "flies don't actually kill you" what????OK genius maybe not but they do carry a lot of bacteria so before they were on your pastries they were probably sitting on shit so you eat it.I understand it's hard to keep flies away from food but if you realise it then cover them or get a better storage system and don't just treat people like idiots.I have been to some of the best coffee places all over Europe and we know good coffee shops and if that's what this place thinks they are they are way off.