I've been seeing Dr. Adolfo about a year now. I don't have any major health issues, so I don't see her frequently. When I am in to see her she is very attentive to what I tell her. My blood pressure was higher than usual and told me she wants to keep an eye on it. When I returned during my last visit she checked everything without me bringing it up. I do remember going in because I thought I had an UTI and she sent me to get urine cultures but did do a quick in office test (which came back negative). She refused to give me antibiotics and I thought for sure she was crazy. She did give me something for the discomfort and I Went the next day to the lab. The pain went away the next day and turns out I didn't have an UTI. So I respect the fact she didn't want to immediately prescribe me antibiotics. I have noticed that she is very cautious with anything she prescribes (pain meds or not). She looked up each med she has prescribed to me in the past and reoccurring prescriptions. She also brought up the fact that a certain medication I take has "addictive" tendencies and wanted to keep a close eye on that. I mean... I get it, it her medical license and she has to protect it. If you are looking for a doctor to hold your hand, rub your back and hand you any med you want..... Dr. Adolfo is not the one. Lol! I like her so I will continue to see her for basic PCP visits.