Thinking about increasing your activity level? Looking for a new way to enjoy the city? Considering a major lifestyle change? Head to BikeBike!
Odds are you will be greeted by Sean when you walk through the door! He is a friendly chap, which a great smile and lots of laughs to share. You will instantly feel like you have met a new friend. He & his staff are awesome! Great customer service seems to come naturally to this place!
They have a variety of bikes, from Strider bikes for the wee ones, to SERIOUS bikes for SERIOUS people. Lots to please people like me, that just like to cruise and fart around, without getting to sweaty. (What can I say? I'm an outta shape girly girl.) The cargo bikes are pretty cool to check out. They honestly have something for everyone. Even if you have never ridden a bike before. Come prepared to take a bike out for a spin around the block.
Looking for accessories? They have ridiculously awesome helmets, bags, baskets, seats, yadda yadda yadda! It is worth a trip in just to check out all the cool stuff they have. (OH! They have wicked toboggans too.)
While they are very pro-bicycle lifestyle living, there is no sense of judgement for those of us that lean towards a more car-friendly lifestyle. They simply love to share their knowledge and ideas. Have questions? They will always answer them.
Their service is top notch! Best to get your bike in early for pre-season maintenance as they get busy. You know that things will be fixed up right when you take your bike there.
Check it out! You will be glad you did.
(PS - Check out their new sign outside the shop. It's hilarious! A true testament to their sense of love for life & humour.)