| - The Twinsburg Public Library is exactly what a public library should be. This building opened in 1993, when I was seven years old, and I've been going there since then.
Now that I've moved away and return only during short visits to my parents, I use the library only for checking out DVDs. They have a great selection of new and classic DVDs. They also have multiple copies of many DVDs, so one can be pretty sure that there's a copy of a movie from the last five years on the shelves that one has a hankering for. Mine this trip were The Master and Pineapple Express, and they had both. Unfortunately they did not have Inglorious Basterds, the other film I wanted, on the shelf. But two out of three ain't bad. The librarians at the check out desks look as friendly and helpful as ever. And the two dudes at the reference desk looked scholarly and helpful and um, quite attractive (okay, okay, scholarly and friendly and glasses-wearing dudes are my type!) Recent MLIS grads from Kent State? For a brief second I contemplated what my life would have been like if I hadn't gone to grad school out of state and had stayed in Northeast Ohio...
Okay, back to reviewing. The library looks the exact same as it has for many years, although they have introduced some new features in the last decade, like a drive through drop off for both traditional books and for CDs and DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, which aren't supposed to be put in the traditional drop off boxes. The magazine "reading room" portion of the library is still as bright and airy as I remember it from the days when my dad would take me there as a middle and high school student and I would read and work on school projects. Oh, the days before working in a coffee shop!
I didn't check out the CD section, but when I was growing up they had a great selection of artists from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Oh man, in the days before iTunes and Spotify, that was how I learnt about new music!
The parking lot is huge and it's easy to find a space in it. And their computer section looks like it is still current. I saw a bunch of teenagers in there, which I was surprised by. Don't teenagers have their own computers at home? No matter: I remember doing an online three hour mandatory "learn about alcohol and consuming it responsibly" course on the computer there before I left for college because the Internet at the library was faster than the Internet at home. What I like about the computers is that they are in a special closed off area that is both good for the users (it's easy to focus because there aren't patrons walking about) and easy to monitor by the computer room librarian (thus no one is getting into not library appropriate stuff or taking up too much time on them).
Why four stars and not five? They could have a coffee shop like the Hudson Public Library has. Sowrry for being superficial!