| - It'sugar takes a very holistic approach as a candy store, offering everything from bulk candy, to vintage chocolate, to candy-themed paraphernalia. It's not the most interesting sweet shop on earth, but it's perfect for the location. Because of its location, though, they also seem to think that I have heaps money to spend on overpriced paraphernalia and vintage chocolate... I don't.
The best aspect of It'sugar is that it provides a great way to satisfy random sugar cravings, on the spot (my last baggy contained 3 Swedish fish, 1 Now n' Later, and 4 sour cherry gummies) which is preferable to having to buy an entire bag of one kind of candy that I don't actually want.
All in all, I definitely see the merit in having a shop like this in the Scottsdale Quarter. It attracts teenagers who have access to their parents' credit cards, people hoping to sneak a variety of sweets in to a nearby movie, mothers looking for a diversion for their kids, and those of us hoping to induce food guilt after a guilt-free meal at True Food (guilty).