Went here and saw Cholappadi V. Sundar-Raj, OD PhD. Was not impressed with the staff or optomotrist. When I first was called back the guy (assistant? nurse? idk.) made no eye contact while speaking to me. He seemed rushed and just wanted to get me over and done with. He was in such a rush that when using eye drops he gave me no forewarning. I literally had to stop him and ask what he was doing and what the eye drops were for. This didn't happen just once but 3 different times.
Then when I saw the optomotrist he seemed just as rushed. I've had glasses since I was 11 so am pretty familiar with the process of getting a routine eye exam and this was by far the quickest. The worst part was when he finished he didn't offer me any type of eye wear to protect my eyes. Once your eyes are dialated after an exam it is customary to get sunglasses of some sort to protect your eyes from the sunlight when you go outside. I was dizzy and took me forever to get to my car since the sunglight was too much.
Overall I would not come back here. And no, I was not the only one complaining. I overheard 2 other customers in the waiting room saying they felt rush. If this place has a short staff then they should consider booking less appointments in one day.