I'd pass if I were you.
This 4-star bullshit is a reflection of Urbana's high tolerance for mediocrity.
The sandwiches look like something a kindergartener would get at a daycare center with a side of fruit cocktail. Wonderbread with an anorexic serving of meat and a pickle spear for $8 or more.
We had to get up and walk around to find an employee who would take our money. The couple next to us got up and left because nobody would take their order.
Inexcusably bad service, inexplicably bad food. Come on, Urbana, for once, accept the fact that some businesses are meant to die. In case you don't get out much, the Courier Cafe is terrible. They are operating as if they have no competition.
Suffering through a shit sandwich and bad service is a stupid way of supporting local business. Unless you're into self-punishment and leather and... you know, in that case, join the priesthood.