Aware of the pharmacy hours being up until 9 p.m, I pulled into the pharmacy drive-through at 8:54. A pick-up truck cut in front of the drive-through and upon looking at the man, I noticed he was quite a bit older than I was and probably needed his medication more than I did. Once he was finished, it was 9:02 p.m...I pulled up and the pharmacist began drawing their blinds and putting up their pathetic cardboard renderings for the cardboard. They didn't even speak to me. The pharmacy manager looked at the pharmacist and began chuckling as if my health needs were a joke. It is without a doubt that this staff cares nothing about their patients, simply at what time they get to go home. They couldn't spare 2 minutes to take on one more customer who actually let someone else go in front of them because they may have needed it more. What if I had epilepsy and my seizure medication was needed? My company (a WELL known customer service company in the valley) brings a lot of business to CVS through our insurance plan. I will be sure to raise this with them and let them know the lack of care and support they give their patients. You will not get one more dime out of me or my insurance, you pathetic jokes of the health care industry. I'm not worried, karma and Walgreens will undoubtedly save the day. Hmm..why is it that CVS profits are down consistently year-over-year again? I think we've found the source. Good luck to you, you pathetic morons.