maybe I can't sing your name to the tune of Barbara Ann, but I just want to keep coming back to your wooden saloon.
Two sides to the Palomino: the downstairs where you get punk rock/folk/post-hardcore basement shows, filled with people dancing with half broken pint glasses, musty chairs, a discarded pac-man video-game table (why won't you live again!) and some good ol' fashion dankness.
And the upstairs: where you can fill your belly with some of the most delicious BBQ in the city. Just took our English born and raised - roots in Oklahoma in-law here for dinner and when he approves of the two meat platter with corn bread and beans, you got yourself a winner.
The Palomino's caesar is by far my favorite in Calgary and the bacon wrapped corn, corn bread and garlic fries are simply stellar. I need to increase my frequency of dinner visits but don't wish to be 200 pounds.
Don't go changing, please! I love you just the way you are.