| - Although I aplaud the Western Pennsylvania Animal Rescue League for the services they provide including their Vaccine Clinic, I'm VERY dissapointed by the preferential treatment given to some individuals.
For those unfamiliar with the vaccine clinic, it is first come, first serve. Many of us get here more than an hour before the clinic starts and wait in line. For those of us who have not as well behaved animals, we tag team it and have one person stand in line while the other stays somewhere off to the side with the animal.
However, on the July Clinic, one lady claimed to be first because she told a volunteer that she needed to stay in the car with her mom instead of waiting in line. Then when the paperwork was being passed out and those of us in line expressed the fact that she did not stand in line, some of us even having a picture of those of us in line, she repeated the fact that she has an elderly mom. When that didn't suffice, she said she had an agressive dog. While I understand that agressive dogs should not be in close proximity to other animals or humans which they could harm, that doesnt stop others who have less friendly animals to still stand in line and control our pets or have another member of the family stand in line on our behalf. For the ARL to let both individuals and their "agressive" dog sit in the car and be taken first is unfair to the rest of the participants. What is even more concerning is that this "agressive" dog was allowed to sit in the waiting room for 21 minutes with 10 other owners and their pets, some of us which had more than one pet. If this truely was a case of an agressive animal, then the ARL did a disservice to its first 10 Vaccine Clinic participants who were in the waiting room. In addition, the release form states that agressive animals will not be tollerated.
It would be one thing if this was a one off, but then someone came in claiming to have an apt for a vaccine booster at 930 even though they don't schedule appointments on Sundays except for SPAY day, and they took him!
If any one knows what I need to do or say to get preferential treatment in the future, please let me know! I get that this is a low cost clinic where the services are provided at cost and I greatly appreciate that because it helps me care for my animals and the rescues we have at a reasonable cost. However, I shouldn't be punished or forced to wait because others cannot follow directions. It would have been a different story if the preferential treatment was because of medical emergency, but they won't.
ARL, please keep up the great services you provide, but also please be mindful of ALL of your patients.
A loving pet owner.