This is a one time and never to repeat again experience. I had never been to this office before so upon walking in I was greeted by a very nice receptionist, so I was lulled into an easy feeling...Once in the room there is a TV that plays various ads of services provided. I was watching this and a 9/11 tribute picture comes up then a naked statue of Donald Trump with Hillary Clinton behind prison bars covering his genitals comes up...WTF?! I get that people can support whomever they want in this election but this was highly unprofessional and frankly offensive. The pictures continue with overweight women being copy and pasted next to very in shape people with a tacky label of a product by them. This should've been my sign to run. Then the doctor comes in, no hand shake , with a total lack of manners. I was in for bothersome skin tags that I wanted removed. I am telling him the issue and he keeps cutting me off and the proceeds to tell me that I'm not working out and losing weight. I am plus sized and I have PCOS, which is not an excuse but I'm well aware I have a weight issue. He starts going into that I need a high fat/low carb diet while he walks around me and that I must be doing everything wrong and I need to consult a dietician... He says he's going to burn the ski tags, I inquire about maybe Cryo removal and he shoots that down but informs me that Ill scar from the burning. When I ask about using Neosporin he says no, and to use polysporin that I can get it at the 99 cent store (Umm no). So he lets me know the larger tag on my neck he's going to cut it off, he gives me a warning about the needle and he cuts it off, without any warning he starts burning my face !! I about jumped out of the seat and he's just burning all over my neck and spots where I didn't have a skin tag and an obvious one is untouched. The whole time he's talking about weight loss. Then whens he's done he tells me to wash my burns with HYDROGEN PEROXIDE !! Oh yeah and that I'm going to die early from Diabetes and Heart disease, which I have neither of, and Have a good day. WTF?! The checkout told me I was good to leave so god knows what im going to be billed for. I have never been treated so poorly by a doctor in this town. I used to go to Dr. Candace Spann and I WILL be returning to her office. Do not go to this doctor. He has zero bedside manners and is just overall unpleasant and unprofessional. I wish I could've given no stars.