The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I gave up my seat on the way out so a couple could sit together. Rosa our flight attendant noticed me switching and when another couple needed someone to move she bumped me to the big seats. If you are big or have long legs the extra $35 is well worth it. Good!
On the way back I kept my seat and spent the whole flight trying to keep the bar built into the seat in front of me from digging into my kneecaps. I also could not figure out how to check in online without setting up an account. Bad.
When I bought my ticket I saw the price for a roller was $26. Cool, I will pay and the extra $52 is still a deal (round trip). But wait... if you refresh the page it jumps to $40, if you go to the counter it is $55, if you go to the gate it is $100. Really!!! They change the price without warning. That is just ugly.
It all felt very sleazy. Now that I know what to expect I will be able to fly Spirit without getting mad... not saying much.