Paradise! You can ride your bicycle 8 miles on paved paths. Two ways to go - a 5 mile round trip (north) that was in the open but with stretches of forest on either side - and a 3 mile round trip (west) that went through the woods and would be lovely on hot summer days.
Saw a salamander and a chickadee with a cankerworm in its beak. Lots of red cardinals against lush green leaves and plants (it's April). Awesome.
I think Bill James, soft-spoken rep from district 6, might even agree that this is a good use of taxpayer money. OK, maybe not. But at least if there were no perverts (and by Bill's definition, unfortunately, most of us are probably pervs) walking along the paths, I think he'd enjoy himself and bond with nature. Ok, maybe not. Bill, who loves ya baby?
There was only one stretch on the north path (0.25 miles in) where the creek really smelled. Other than that, the smell of the honeysuckle was so strong, I almost wiped out several times as I craned my head to follow the scent. And then there was some older woman with a ripped 6-pack abdomen who was walking right down the middle of the path and she was NOT going to move. So she almost made me wipe out too. Watch out for her - she's a force to be reckoned with.