I try....I really do...try to give them the benefit of the doubt and every time I'm disappointed...it's not necessarily the customer service...there have been a few bad seed in and out of this location...but even the good ones give all the same excuses / reasons....their training manual must have scripts for employees to memorize... All of which make the owners (who have only had this location for a couple years) appear to be tight-wad penny pinchers...
For example....ordering a 2 scoop sundae .. One would expect 2 scoops... Not 2 child size scoops that don't even full the 2 scoop cup HALF WAY...when I asked why so little ice cream, he told me .. They have to make ALL their sundaes with the child scoops...I offered to pay extra for more ice cream and he said they wouldn't know how to charge for extra ice cream...then he drownd it with hot fudge... Which of course melted the little scoops into soup...top it with whip cream and a cherry on top..well it automatically sank to the bottom.....it really does feel like your being jipped when you pay $5.00+ for a baby cup of ice cream. #iwantagrownupsundae #dontbetightwads