| - Blue Banana is a funny name for a massive market of vendors and exhibits (minus the exhibitor) in Kensington market. I had walked by this place many times and finally my curiousity got to the best of me as I wandered inside, not really sure of what I was getting myself into...
This place is GINORMOUS! It is a huge space filled with hundreds of different booths. You will find ceramics, candy, clothing, art, cook ware, preserves and condiments, jewelry, and just about anything else you can imagine. It is like the One Of A Kind Show store.
I spoke to a few of the clerks and learned that the store displays products and unique hand crafted pieces from artists and stores and these vendors use the space as a place to sell their goods. Blue Banana takes a commission on products sold and renting vendor space, but most of the profits go to the vendors themselves. What a great idea!
I was surprised to find a second floor, quieter, but just as full with funky clothing and art. Many of the items were decently priced, while some were extremely expensive and bidder prices, so I guess it depends on your pocketbook.
I really liked the spice and herb vendor and the ceramics I found, and many of the prices on the first floor were reasonable and comparable to other such places. It is a fun place to browse around in and I'd recommend it to anyone who is indecisive when shopping for gifts, or short on time. You can save a handful of hours going from one place to the next, while you can find just about anything at Blue Banana.
I recommend Blue Banana to anyone who likes crafty, eclectic kind of shops where there is a lot to look at, to people who love markets and collectibles and to anyone wanting to spend an hour getting your browse on. A great concept and a fun place, all in all.