| - I come here for oil changes because it's fairly quick and convenient. Sure, I could save a bunch if I did it myself, but like I said, I appreciate the convenience of having someone else look after the mess.
The service here is fine. I appreciate that they check all your fluid levels and make sure that all your lights are working. That's great. They get a star for that.
But I'm SOOOOOO tired of the upsell. If they had their way every trip in there would cost me $250, when all I'm there for is an $80 oil change.
Most of what they're upselling is unnecessary but they make it sound like it's the most important thing on the planet. Really, you think my truck's going to implode if I don't change the front differential fluid this very second? What, you mean it's imperative that I flush the gunky buildup out of my 2 year old engine, because I'm 200km over my 5000km oil change interval? My air filter is has a slight beige tint to it that could lead to catastrophic engine failure and needs to be replaced immediately?!?
People don't read their owners manuals and Mr. Lube knows that if they say important sounding things like 'fuel system carbonization' with a furrowed brow, your average motorist is going to cave. But the pressure they put on you is relentless. They've got at least three things they can add to drive up the cost of every visit and if you say NO they continue to ask you no less than three times. If you're a hard-ass and insist on saying no, they'll send over another guy to work you over some more.
So, here's a tip. Get the oil-change. It's great. But everything else that they try to sell you; the engine flushes, the fuel system treatments, etc. are generally pretty useless and often not recommended by the manufacturer.
So a great tactic is to sit there during the oil change with your service manual on your lap and every time they try to upsell you, consult the manual and say things like, ' doesn't saying anything in here about an engine that recommended by the manufacturer?'. They may not back off totally, but it might help a bit.