| - I really like Quik Trip...I go out of my way to find a QT to gas up, get my beverage (and may I say that they keep their restrooms clean and usable, in spite of the tremendous odds against them:)
So I really like QT's...all of them:)
That said, I got a very nice note from a fellow Yelper (who works for QT, BTW:)
He read my last review and he mentioned that I should really try the sandwiches and hot dogs before giving them short shrift (I think I mentioned that I believed the sandwiches are made at 3:00 am and that the hot dogs were cooked under a 100 watt bulb and were similarly aged:-)
I might have been guilty of using poetic license (although in my defense...I didn't say I had actually eaten one of these...just that I wasn't in any hurry to try them:)
Well, that's changed...I drifted (truly...a four wheel drift that ended with me "bootleg parking" my car next to pump #11 to fuel up...very stylish:)
I headed into the always clean and bright QT to grab a refreshing beverage and as I walked by the hot dogs and brats rolling on the rollers, I said to myself..."it's pretty close to noon, let's see what these guys have got"
I picked up a Turkey Sandwich and hot dog (I figured, "why not go all the way...if this stuff is going to hurt me, I might as well get over with":)
But QT didn't hurt fact, the sandwich was pretty decent (certainly better than some that I've paid far more for)...the bread seemed fresh, as were the rest of the ingredients (pretty typical, turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo, etc.:) didn't seem that this sandwich was sitting wrapped in plastic like a typical AM/PM or Sky Harbor new Yelp/QT buddy didn't steer me wrong on that one:)
On to the hot dog...well...I didn't get a bum steer on the hot dog, either:)
My touch point for these kinds hot dogs (parking lot dogs?) are the dogs you can generally buy at Home Depot (depot dogs?)
The QT dog was as good as anything I've found at the Home Depot...maybe better, certainly more options (brats, cheddar brats, etc.) and plenty of condiments and a nice place to prepare my dog for battle:)
My only remaining issue is the same issue that I have with any buffet set up...when I see people rooting around for that special dog all the way in back and strectttccccchhhhiiiiinnngg out over the hot rollers...well, I just get the shudders:(
But that's not something I can lay at QT's doorstep...they do a great job of keeping things sweet and clean...they keep an eye on the rollers and the stretchers...I just tried not to think about as I had my dog:)
Finally, a word about the gasoline...I'm firm believer that that you shouldn't have to worry about picking large bugs and rodent "parts" out of your fuel filter...even when you are buying inexpensive gasoline:)
QT's gas has been consistently higher in quality than other stations products (I had a $200 bill for cleaning this kind of "debris" out of the gas lines of one of my Lexus' after a gas purchase from Diamond Shamrock a few years ago)...QT might be a penny or two more than the cheapest, but quality is important, too! :-)
When you need to fuel up (and by "you", I mean your car and you), you can sure do worse than dropping by the nearest QT:)