We love this show! Every week there are a different set of comedians and a different Sin City Doll. My Girlfriend and I have enjoyed the show almost on a weekly basis for the last few months and have even taken friends there as they come in and out of town. You know you are there a lot when the MC Penny the Prince recognizes you at the bar... haha...
Don't let the "striptease" between acts scare you off as the girls are more burlesque then strippers and they have yet to show anything beyond a thong and hand bra... my point is that its sexy yet tasteful.
The comedians they get are generally top notch! Sure, there are some nights where a comedian bombs worse then The Situation at the Trump Roast, but those are few and far between and whatever you do DON'T BUY A BLINKY CUP DRINK! You have been warned... lol
My only complaint would be that the website and facebook for SinCity isn't that great because they never tell you who is going to be there. Not that it would matter most of the time, but there are certain regulars like Carl Lebove that I would love to know when they are going to be there.