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Oh lord, what have I done? I think I shot a man down, and that man being me. Why is it every time someone starts to talk about fries and gravy I blackout and go into eating autopilot only to regain consciousness with an empty box, gravy smeared face and belly full of cheese, gravy, fries and shame? WHY I ASK YOU WHY!
This afternoon co-workers and I began to discuss our favourite after bar delicacies, I mentioned Smokes and 3 people asked "what is that?". Like a punch to the gut my Poutine Hulk began to develop and blacked out into gravy/cheesy darkness.
I have select memories of what occurred over the next hour, but I have flashes of memory like that of a dream (or nightmare).
....We walked East on Adelaide from John street, and crossed to the north side and entered....
.... I recall laughter a the fact that we were actually doing this for lunch, and shock when somone ordered a large ahead of us, prompting us to order small size....
.....the walk back and subsequent consumption are all a blurr for me (likely due to the 40+C heat outside today).....
....coming too from my Poutine Rage I stared emptily into the waxen box, felt my stomach as if a tiny life form had begun to nest inside (sort of like aliens), and starred at a receipt which reminded me that this had happened at 12:17PM on June 20, and that all it cost me was $8.55 and a little bit of my soul.
Seriously, the poutine during the day is far superior to the rushed slop they pump out in the evenings, my recco is try it out on a Friday for lunch. I say Friday so you can safely head home once the food coma settles in.
Yawwwwnnnnn, Ok folks, nap time .... Happy Poutine to ya...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Seacrest OUT!