| - In my eyes, Lee's is the McDonalds of Vietnamese sandwiches. There are a ton of better choices in Chinatown, but none as accessible as Lee's. With that said, I can get my craving satiated with a 10 minute drive versus a 30 minute one. It's cheap and easy and not so bad tasting, if you haven't had the actual good stuff before. The grilled pork is my go-to sandwich, but sometimes I feel like they just pop the meat in a toaster oven. Not the best, but in a pinch, it'll do.
Lee's Vietnamese coffee has got to be the worst tasting Viet coffee - it's all canned, not freshly made as it should be. Perhaps it's the extreme commercialization of common Vietnamese foods that makes me uncomfortable, but they really aren't that good. Pop into the nearest Asian supermarket and find better choices.
Overall, their sandwiches are great to-go food, but not the tastiest choices on the market. I would also go there for their baguettes when they're fresh -- and cheap! Their croissants and mangoos are bomb as well.
TIP: Cash only unless paying more than $5.