Key: Notice the dates on the reviews. This place was great but mismanaged into not so great. First thing to understand is that this is a fantastic location. The result is that they don't have to do it right to keep people coming in.
I went inside the restaurant to eat last Saturday at 5:45 pm. Immediately noticed the place was a dump. Trash everywhere. Even a seat cushion was ripped. (When was the last time you viewed a ripped seat cushion in a McDonald's?) I used the restroom - same thing - one hand dryer was busted. Gross.
But I thought, maybe they cater to the drive through and neglect the store? So I went ahead and ordered my food anyways (plus I had a coupon). Both my Big Mac and the 1/4 pounder came with stale buns. How is this possible at 5:45 pm on a Saturday night?
It's all the fault of the management - the sad part is that it used to be fine but now it's not. Also there is a Chick-a-filet a mile up the road that is awesome. Maybe that is where the management goes to eat?