SOMETIMES GOOD, SOMETIMES GREAT and always a little noisy ... the kind of noise that makes a conversation better.
I've lived down the street from L'Assommoir for awhile now and have visited several times. They manage to deliver a really good experience, very consistently, with the help of a large and varied cocktail menu, a decent wine list and a moderate range of beers. The food is perhaps a little under-rated, in my experience its been consistently good to very good depending on what I've ordered.
The place is nicely arranged; a front bar and dinning/lounge area and a back dining/lounge area. They pay attention to music here, either featuring a live jazz band or, at the least, a good playlist. Depending on the time of day or night and the clientele, it can seem more like an upbeat restaurant or more like a tapas bar / cocktail bar ... I've gone for both of these experiences and have always left feeling satisfied.
TIP: By license they can not serve alcohol without food, you'll need to order food if having a beverage.
TIP: If you order a small generic food item for the sake of ordering a food item then you run the risk of receiving a small generic food item.