Nowadays in the 21st century perfection is a hard thing to find specially since hip hop died thank you mumble rappers. Anyhow I could go on this subject forever but wtv. Me and 2 of my realest day 1 homies were driving around laval wondering where our next food adventure would be. So my day 1 homie decided to drive us to Icehouse. As I walked in Icehouse me being me started bashing the place until the beef and pulled porc tacos arrived. Let me say this, the last time I witnessed something this epic was when Goku and Vegeta fusioned to be Gogeta. The waiter Francois was super chill, funny and total OG. Strongly suggest everything on the menu cause no joke we took 1 of everything EPICCCCC
Shoutout to also my day 1 homie to show me this place