I was excited to try out Akers Chiropractic because I'd heard wonderful things about the practice from previous Yelp reviews. After my first appointment, I would absolutely never recommend Akers Chiropractic.
I had expected to see Dr. Aker, as I didn't realize other doctors were associated with the practice. While the doctor I met with was perfectly helpful, it did catch me off guard.
My appointment was at 1:45 and I wasn't seen by a doctor until 3:10. After an initial 30 minutes of waiting in the general waiting room, I was brought into a back room where I watched an informational video about chiropractics that appeared to be an attempt at professionalism. After watching that 5 minute video, I was left alone in that room for about another 30 minutes until I was brought into a neighboring room where I, again, waited until the doctor finally showed up -- roughly 30 minutes later. She profusely apologized and was appalled that her staff had kept me waiting for so long, but it appeared the staff was absolutely oblivious.
I did have some minor relief from my hip pain, but the slight relief was not worth the two hours of my life I won't get back.