*Part of my "I didn't stay here, I just walked around or gambled tour*
I was in awe. The sure size of this place is unfathomable. It's made up of several hotel towers on a huge piece of property. It looks like a city from the outside. On the inside I wasn't overly impressed. They did sucker me out of a few bills to gamble with. I broke even. Overhearing conversations at the tables most people were happy with their rooms but the biggest gripe was the distance to their rooms. What do you expect when the place is a Goliath of a hotel/casino.
I got the sense though it wasn't as updated as the rest of the hotels. The casino floor didn't impress me. Slots after slots after slots...a sea of slots. Table games were all busy and it was a weekday. Nothing really stood out. No water shows or pirate ships...maybe a gladiator fight would have been nice...with actual fighting to the death. Maybe I am onto something. Copyright pending.