What can I say? Cobs is delicious. They have a variety of items and they're all nice and fresh. I tried their buns for the first time at this location. The selection was a little sparse but went with the multigrain option. They were the perfect size to be filled with delicious pulled pork. Also on the same visit I gave their apple caramel cinnamon bun things a try (I don't know what they're actually called as there was no label on the box). Anyway, they were pretty darn amazing. They look like a cinnamon bun but they have apple danish filling rolled into them instead of cinnamon and sugar. The tops are drizzled with a caramel sauce. Yum!
The only thing I wan't really wow'd with here were the chocolate croissants. They seemed to be of the same caliber that I find at Loblaws. They're not bad by any means, just not anything above what I've found anywhere else.