My stylist at AZ Hair Co is also Kelly Dunlavey. I love her. Before finding Kelly, I had been going to a stylist who seemed to think that I needed a base color as well as highlights. Keep in mind that I am 28 and do not have grey hair, which I have come to find out is mostly what a base color is used for. Before that stylist, I had a stylist who would dye my hair orange to platinum, never really getting the shade I wanted. I am not complicated, and thankfully Kelly seemed to figure this out. If she ever leaves and doesn't tell me where she is going, I will be devastated! I recommend anyone who will listen to me to go to her. She always has availability, none of this calling and making an appt months ahead of time stuff. Once you go to AZ Hair Co once, they send you coupons in the mail for various things. Their prices aren't bad in the beginning, but add the coupon to it and you can't get any better!