| - My 2011 Challenger SRT-8 got a rock ding that chipped the paint and left a quarter sized dent in the door from a semi on the freeway that felt he needed to pass me while I was on the I-40 in New Mexico. Apparently 75mph (speed limit) was not fast enough for the driver of the big rig)
The ding was right at the outer edge of the door near the reinforcement. I sent him some pictures over text messaging on Monday August 12th, and he came back with a estimate of $75-100, and said that he could be here Tuesday at noon. He called me at about 10am, and said that he was running early. Arrived at about 10:30am.
After looking at the damage, there was more damage than the pictures did showed, so the cost went up $50, to $150.
He worked on the car for about 1.5 hours, and 99% of the dent is gone, and what is left can only be seen at the perfect angle and lighting meaning that its as good as its going to get without taking the door off, and having a body shop repaint it, and probably cost upwards of $1500-2000.
He was very professional, knew his line of work extremely well.
Now all I have to do is fill in the tiny chip that remains which will be simple.
I will continue to use Ding Doctor for any other repairs that I may need.