Ii had scheduled a repair through Lowe's warranty Dept they were supposed to give me a one-hour window 15 minutes before the appointment I received a call I didn't know who it was from and I was on the other line 5 minutes later I called back to find out that the guy was in my. Driveway . I told him I needed an hour window I was not at home he said he would reschedule as he's backing and turning around out of my driveway she runs over my teak bench it takes them 5 times to turn around in a larger area than 50 x 50 he gets to the end of the driveway gets out and looks in his van to see if he did damage this was seen by my daughter and by our cameras. I call him immediately and he says he didn't know he hit anything I told him there was a witness and we have cameras and then he admitted to damaging my bench I told him I wanted his boss to call me that never happened I called again on Monday I called again and again no reply I text the kid that hit my bench he said he would pay me on Friday never heard from him next week he said he paid me again I didn't trust him so I called until I got a hold of his boss he was very belligerent and very unprofessional nobody has taken care of the bench and it has been 3 weeks but but the owner had no problem calling me to see if I was going to schedule to have the repair done I laughed and said when my bench is paid for still waiting have texts to prove our conversations and now I'm dealing with the police the insurance company and Lowe's this company is awful I am sending all the text to the president of Lowe's the person in charge of the warranty department and giving a copy to the police and insurance the owner tried passing the buck even though he owns the truck and he pays the employee this is not a subcontractor who was going to do the work if I could give them and 0 * I would